Saving some variables from a netCDF to a new file
The NCO (netCDF Operator) command ncks (netCDF Kitchen Sink).
From the documentation:
The nickname “kitchen sink” is a catch-all because
combines most features ofncdump
with extra features to extract, hyperslab, multi-slab, sub-set, and translate into one versatile utility.ncks
extracts (a subset of the) data from input-file and and writes (or pastes) it in netCDF format to output-file, and optionally writes it in flat binary format to binary-file, and optionally prints it to screen.
extracts (and optionally creates a new netCDF file comprised of) only selected variables from the input file (similar to the oldncextr
specification). Only variables and coordinates may be specifically included or excluded—all global attributes and any attribute associated with an extracted variable are copied to the screen and/or output netCDF file.
The flag for extracting variables is -v (followed by variable name(s) separated by commas):
ncks -v var1,var2
no space after the comma!
In case you’ve forgotten what the names of your variables are, do:
ncdump -h
-h prints headers only (and not the values). I usually direct the output of ncdump to a text file:
ncdump -h > ncdump.txt
Also, if you forgot some of the variables that you wanted then you don’t have to do the whole list again - NCO is always willing to append variables. So if you run:
ncks -v var3
but the already exists, then NCO will prompt you with this:
ncks: exists—
o’verwrite (i.e., delete existing file), or `a’ppend (i.e., replace duplicate variables in and add new variables to existing file) (e/o/a)?
So you can enter a and hit ‘return’.