The HealthyR Advent Calendar 2022 was a series of 24 R tips I shared on Twitter last December It is based on “R for Health Data Science” by Harrison and Pius. Use JKL20 for 20% off, including free worldwide shipping. Here’s a selection of the most popular ones, all 24 can be fount at this website: More information about HealthyR, including the book and freely available resources can be found at: https://healthyr.

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There are several different ways to make maps in R, and I always have to look it up and figure this out again from previous examples that I’ve used. Today I had another look at what’s currently possible and what’s an easy way of making a world map in ggplot2 that doesn’t require fetching data from various places. TLDR: Copy this code to plot a world map using the tidyverse:

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I’ve recently started using ggplot2 in addition to lattice (see this post that I made a while ago, explaining how I got into using lattice in the first place). Hint: when using ggplot2, you’ll need to use of the reshape2 package (also written by the amazing Hadley Wickham) to get your data into a form that ggplot2 works best with. Another thing that you’ll want to think about when using ggplo2 is factor levels.

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Riinu Pius (Ots)

if it aint broke, you’re outdated

Senior Data Manager

Edinburgh, UK