TLDR: You can teach R on people’s own laptops without having them install anything or require an internet connection. Members of the Surgical Informatics team in Ghana, 2019. More information: Introduction Running R programming courses on people’s own laptops is a pain, especially as we use a lot of very useful extensions that actually make learning and using R much easier and more fun. But long installation instructions can be very off-putting for complete beginners, and people can be discouraged to learn programming if installation hurdles invoke their imposter syndrome.

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These commands (after the first one) work in the ed editor. ed editor is used in the RStudio server shell. sudo crontab -e #opens crontab file in chosen editor a #add to file 0,30 * * * * Rscript /home/user/folder/script.R #command to add . #finished editing ,p #print file content to check w #save changes Q #quit In this example the script will run every 0 hours, 30 minutes, see Ubuntu: How do I set up a CRON job for other options.

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I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but I like when the files I’m working with are in the working directory (so instead of using pathnames to my files I can just type filename or ./filename). But to avoid copying data and wasting space, symbolic links are the way to go. The command for that is: ln -s target_file sym_link, where -s stands for “symbolic” (just ln would create a hard link)

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My bash aliases

If you find yourself using some commands always with the same flags, then it would make sense to define them as alieses, by putting them into your .bashrc file like this (log out and back in for it to take effect): # .bashrc # Put user specific aliases and functions here alias ls='ls -al --color=auto' alias qstat='qstat -a' alias qsub='qsub -m abe -M' alias disk="du * -sh | sort -h" -a for ls shows hidden files (files that start with a dot, like .

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Riinu Pius (Ots)

if it aint broke, you’re outdated

Senior Data Manager

Edinburgh, UK