To create a .bib file that only includes the citations you used in the manuscript: bibexport -o extracted_file.bib manuscript.aux There are a few issues with this though. The command bibexport comes with the installation of TexLive, but my Windows computer (bless) does not cooperate (“bibexport is not recognised as an internal or external command…") . So I can only use it on my Mac (luv ya).

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Get data from ggplot()

ggplot includes built in and seamless functionality that summarises your data before plotting it. As shown in the example below, ggplot_build() can be used to access the summarised dataset. fill y count prop x PANEL group ... #D7301F 0.2147239 35 1 1 1 4 ... #FC8D59 0.6871166 77 1 1 1 3 ... #FDCC8A 0.9570552 44 1 1 1 2 ... #FEF0D9 1.0000000 7 1 1 1 1 ... #D7301F 0.

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R: ISO codes and country names

install.packages(‘maps’) iso = maps::iso3166 > str(iso) 'data.frame': 269 obs. of 5 variables: $ a2 : chr "AW" ... $ a3 : chr "ABW" ... $ ISOname : chr "Aruba" .. $ mapname : chr "Aruba" ... $ sovereignty: chr "Netherlands" ...

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These commands (after the first one) work in the ed editor. ed editor is used in the RStudio server shell. sudo crontab -e #opens crontab file in chosen editor a #add to file 0,30 * * * * Rscript /home/user/folder/script.R #command to add . #finished editing ,p #print file content to check w #save changes Q #quit In this example the script will run every 0 hours, 30 minutes, see Ubuntu: How do I set up a CRON job for other options.

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Riinu Pius (Ots)

if it aint broke, you’re outdated

Senior Data Manager

Edinburgh, UK